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Plasma Power Framework: How to prepare your country for fusion energy

Commercial fusion energy may be just around the corner. With the breakthrough in scientific breakeven at the U.S. National Ignition Facility in 2022, and most private fusion companies expecting to deliver commercial power in the 2030s, if not earlier, we are closer than ever to realizing the potential benefits of this virtually limitless clean energy source. Public and private funding is pouring into the fusion space and some countries have already established national fusion strategies. A few companies are currently building their prototypes that intend to demonstrate more energy out than in. When the fusion energy breakthrough finally happens, how do we ensure that countries are ready to deploy fusion energy?

A robust framework for a fusion power program - the Plasma Power Framework - is vital for ensuring that the efforts required for fusion energy deployment are systematically coordinated and efficiently managed. This framework considers the necessary policy, regulatory, financial, workforce, and scientific structures to support the commercialization and eventual deployment of fusion energy. While extensive R&D by technology developers will primarily drive technological innovation, countries may still choose to engage in targeted research to support domestic adaptation in areas like industrial capability, economic integration, regulatory compliance, and stakeholder engagement. This framework aims to facilitate collaboration between government, industry, academia, and communities, streamline resource allocation, and ensure compliance with safety and environmental standards. By establishing a comprehensive framework, the country and other stakeholders can prepare for a fusion energy future, thus maximizing its potential benefits, driving domestic innovation, and maintaining a competitive edge in the global energy landscape.

The aim of the Plasma Power Framework is not to impose a rigid set of requirements, but rather to enable countries to capitalize on their unique strengths and opportunities within the fusion energy landscape. Fusion energy presents a transformative opportunity, not only for countries with established scientific or financial capacity but also for emerging economies looking to explore future energy solutions. This framework provides a flexible guide that highlights a range of elements to consider without assuming a one-size-fits-all approach. The degree to which each element applies will depend on the specific context of the country, and many of these can be facilitated through international support, regional agreements, and partnerships. Whether you are starting from scratch or building on an existing foundation, the framework is designed to help you navigate the path to fusion energy adoption and position for success in a future energy landscape.

Helixos’ Plasma Power Framework empowers government, industry, and other stakeholders to progress towards the deployment of fusion energy in their country or region. It provides a holistic view of the key elements, nestled under overarching pillars, which should be considered prior to embarking on a fusion power program. Consideration should also be given to how the country or organization can participate in fusion research and the supply chain.

Helixos Plasma Power Framework: How to prepare your country for fusion energy

This tool can be used by stakeholders to reflect on the current state of their fusion ecosystem, identify any gaps, and work towards addressing these gaps through the key elements outlined here.

At Helixos, we help governments and industry prepare for and get involved in the fusion energy sector. Contact us to learn more.

The Plasma Power Framework

Policy, Strategy, and Governance

Fusion Strategy

National policy and strategy on the development of a fusion industry and the supporting supply chain. This includes adaptation of or integration with existing policies or legislation on energy, industry, and technology, where required.

Fusion Roadmap

An overarching, long-term, and adaptable roadmap for the development and/or deployment of fusion technology in alignment with the fusion strategy.

Institutional and Governance Frameworks

Establishment of institutional roles and responsibilities for industry oversight, planning, regulation, integration, and capability development.

Regulations, Licensing, Codes, and Standards

Regulatory Regime and Guidance

Establishment of a regulatory regime and guidance to outline regulatory requirements for the deployment of fusion power plants and technologies.

License and Permit Authorization

Establishment of licensing and permitting regime, such as design certifications and environmental impact assessments, for the deployment of fusion power plants or technologies.

Codes and Standards

Alignment of safety and technical codes and standards for fusion power plants, and the supporting supply chain, with international norms.

Import and Export Controls

Alignment of import and export controls with international norms for material and components used in fusion.

Security, Safeguards, and Nonproliferation

Adherence to international norms and requirements to prevent the misuse of fusion materials and components for non-peaceful uses.

Plant Finance and Economics

Economic/Commercial Integration

Mechanisms for plant investment, ownership, and control through public investment, and/or access to commercial markets.

Government Support Mechanisms 

Inclusion of fusion in existing or development of new technology-specific and green instruments incentivizing the deployment of fusion energy, such as subsidies, low-cost loan guarantees, and tax credits.

Private Financing Structures

Availability of private sector funding for fusion technologies, including the supply chain, and/or the provision of finance for commercial fusion applications.

Plant Lifecycle and Integration

Technology Selection and Assessment

Capability and processes to undertake the assessment of a technology's appropriateness for the specific use case at a proposed site.

Project Approval Process

Steps required to obtain necessary permits and licenses, including land use permits, environmental impact assessments, and construction permits.

Process Integration

Process integration requirements, including the development of physical infrastructure and mechanisms for power dispatch or other energy applications.

Lifecycle Management

Processes for end-to-end management of fusion power plant operation, from construction to decommissioning and waste management.

Industrial Capability Building 

Fusion Technology Capabilities

Understanding the technology landscape and developing pathways to acquire fusion technologies and capabilities from external partners and vendors, or fostering domestic RD&D and technology development capabilities to support domestic deployment and international export opportunities.

Supply Chain Products, Services, and Technologies

Development of pathways to access supply chain products, technologies, and services, including fuel, from external partners and vendors, or fostering domestic RD&D and capabilities to support domestic deployment and export opportunities. This includes engineering, procurement, and construction service capabilities.

Workforce Development and Training

Development of the workforce to support the fusion industry, including plant operators and supply chain workers, and supporting industries such as law, finance, and management.

Partnerships and Collaboration

International Partnerships

Strategic partnership development for regulatory harmonization, RD&D collaboration, technology, knowledge transfer, international financing, and supply chain/talent import and export.

Public, Private, and Industrial Collaboration

Development of models to support cross-industry collaboration, access to public research capabilities, and private-public collaboration for the development and/or deployment of fusion technologies and the supply chain.

Stakeholder Engagement and Education

Stakeholder Engagement 

Understanding of the domestic stakeholder landscape through mapping exercises and developing engagement pathways with key stakeholders.

Community Engagement

Establishment of formalized processes for public consultation and engagement with communities relating to the development of the fusion industry and deployment of fusion energy.

Public Education Programs

Development of education strategies and programs to support workforce development and broad public knowledge of fusion technologies.


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